Wise Panda

Become a Wise Panda tutor

Pandy McPanderson
Over 1M premium learners
Generous rates
Smart quality scoring
Happy Tutors, Empowered Students
Flexible hours
Over 1M premium learners
Generous rates
Smart quality scoring
Happy Tutors, Empowered Students
Flexible hours

Tutor-first excellence

Wise Panda connects experienced Mandarin tutors with a growing community of eager students. No high commission rates, no unpaid free trials, and no exclusivity. Set your own hours and share your love for the language.

Get started
Bei Wang, Shanghai
Meet Bei Wang
Bei Wang, Shanghai
Fai Jyun, London
Fai Jyun, London
Xing Kao, Guangzhou
Xing Kao
Xing Kao, Guangzhou

teach on Wise Panda?

Wise Panda connects you with over 1M eager students for increased revenue. Tutors here get fair compensation, dedicated support team, and smooth process for getting paid.

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They learn.
You earn.

Your expertise deserves respect. Each lessonโ€™s price starts at $30 USD minimum, and youโ€™ll receive an unbiased quality score on your tutor profile that helps you get discovered by more potential students.




Meet your students

Wise Panda is the first learning platform exclusively focused on only Mandarin, so you will be matched with only committed students who are willing to pay premium rates for your services.



Be your own boss

You can set your own schedule, teach elsewhere at the same time, and reach out to the Wise Panda team anytime with feedback or questions.


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Verified tutors.
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We use Traitโ€™s verification platform to ensure all our Mandarin tutors are qualified, credible and trusted. End with tutor benefit.

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